Win your festive feast!


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7:30 pm - Christmas Raffles

5 December, 2018 @ 7:30 pm

|Recurring Event (See all)

An event every week that begins at 7:30 pm on Wednesday, repeating until 19 December, 2018

Celebrate the upcoming festive season with the opportunity to win one of 20 prizes in our upcoming Christmas Raffles. There will be a mix of half legs of Hams, Porks and Christmas Hampers to be won. Enjoy a festive feast like no other and enter for your chance to win!

Tickets are just $1 each. Buy $10 worth to receive $10 extra for free!
Buy as many tickets as you like to increase your chances to win.

Tickets on sale from 6:30pm
Raffle Drawn fro 7:30pm